sábado, 16 de abril de 2011

A Casa caiu pros Ps3 Jacks?? Portal 2 encriptado na V3.6

Vejam:Portal 2 - The first game encrypted for v3.60!
Apr 15, 2011 - 9:52 AM - by The Central Scrutinizer
We all knew this day would be coming, just like before with the v3.50!

Yep, all the rumors were right! -- Portal 2 would be the first game that was pressed using the currently unreleased NPDRM v3.60 keys!

If you are looking to enjoy the sequel to the acclaimed Valve’s puzzle-action hybrid, the Portal 2, then you need to learn to setup your own portal, because playing it on a 3.55 CFW console right now is not possible.

You are looking at different sets of method being tested such as the famous PARAM.SFO editing, EBOOT decrypting, it’s just useless without the 3.60 keys. To say that the upcoming L.A. Noire is on the same ride will be my heartbreaking May moment. So, i hope someone will find the solution for this or just roll on the 3.60 CFW already!
But remember to eat some cheese with all that wine!

Be Happy, Don't Worry!

Something always 'unfolds' in the 'scene', to get you back into the 'gaming'!
fonte: http://psxscene.net/forums/f6/portal...v3-60-a-85060/

Portal 2 saiu com as Chaves de encriptaçao da OFW V3.6 e até o momento é IMPOSSIVEL fazer rodar o jogo (e pelo q andei lendo nos foruns, o "baguio vai ser doido pra acontecer). Nao adianta usar eboot fix nem pkgs nem patch pos sem as chaves, necas de rodar.

Será q a Sony venceu??

Será q os piratas ficarão sem jogos como La Noire, Uncharted 3, Last Guadian??

Será, será, sera?????duvido...deixa uns dias que eles dão um jeitinho

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