domingo, 8 de maio de 2011

MEGATON - Lista de lançamentos da Gamestop revela grandes jogos vindo para os consoles Nintendo, + Sonic Generations para 3DS

GameStop release lists: Rayman Origins for Wii/DS, Time Crisis 3DS, Sonic Generations for 3DS
May 7th, 2011 Posted in 3DS, DS, Posted by Valay, Rumors, Wii | No Comments

Ubisoft has previously said that they would consider working on Wii and 3DS versions of Rayman Origins. However, Game Informer’s recent article suggests a release only for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360.

But that’s not the end of the story. GameStop’s release lists indicate that Origins will arrive on the Wii as well as Nintendo’s old handheld. That is rather odd, as one would expect the title to arrive on 3DS instead of the DS. NeoGAF’s Shiggy, who has been fairly reliable with information in the past, claims that a confirmation of the Wii version can be expected during E3. I’m not too sure what’s happening with the handheld game, though… assuming that the GameSpot DS listing is accurate.

It’s also worth making note of two other inclusions on GameStop’s release lists. A Time Crisis game is listed for the 3DS, as is Sonic Generations. The latter seems like it could certainly be in the works based on the fact that SEGA revealed they were making a game starring the blue hedgehog for the 3DS at last year’s E3. No announcement has been made about a Time Crisis title for the handheld, but perhaps Namco Bandai is gearing up for a reveal next month. Then again, it could be a simple error…

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