quinta-feira, 10 de março de 2011

Sony venceu

Sony Win Their PS3s Back, Seizure Over

Further to the story this morning, we’re now hearing that Sony has won the battle with technology giant LG over the recent PS3 seizures.

The translation seems sound enough, but we’re going off a Dutch news report (translated by GAF) so perhaps it’s worth awaiting full confirmation.

According to the reports, all 300,000 PS3s will be returned back to Sony, and the consoles can now be cleared for Europe. LG are having to pay 130,000 Euro for the hearing costs.

Ths is only in relation to the current seizure, remember, the battle over the alleged patent infringement continues.

We’ll let you know if we get an official update.

Source: InsideGamer.nl

Update 1: Gamer.nl are now reporting the same thing.

Update 2: Our Dutch friend, Steve, has read the original article and has let us know that LG also must contact the tax office tomorrow informing them that the seizure has ended or face a €200,000 penalty for each day they fail to do so. We reckon that’s one post-it that won’t get lost at the back of the PC. “Do not forget!!! Ring tax office!!!”

Fonte: http://www.thesixthaxis.com/2011/03/10/son...k-seizure-over/

Resumo: Sony venceu, ps3 de volta na europa, LG vai ter que pagar 200.000 euros de multa por cada dia que a Sony foi proibida de vender o console.

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